Sunday, August 14, 2016

Understanding mindfulness: Monkey Mind and the Mountain

We all have experienced mode or less busy hectic days or even lives, even we are at the beginning of the school or about to retire. Homeworks, new video games we need to catch up with, performances of hedge funds managing our pensions or just the usual struggle of securing our job and providing what it is needed for our families. Hopefully, there are remedies aimed to help us not only to survive but to return to normality.
Monkey Mind and the Mountain is a book dedicated to a wide range of audiences, from 8 years up and is focused on introducing the reader to the basic practices of mindfulness. A spiritual technique known since the beginning of Buddhism, it has a great applicability today, regardless of religious membership and other personal orientation. It can be practised at home or during a lunch break or before starting the homeworks. "Mindfulness is all about learning to pay attention to the present moment, so that we can make the most of life". The alternation between theoretical introduction and practical exercises is one of the strongest point of the book, besides the simple language aimed to help the reader without creating additional intellectual challenges. 
"Mindfulness can be helpful because it involves taking a step back from your thoughts". All you need to do sometimes to reestablish the balance between your mind and your body is to look at the clouds and take a deep breath. In the language of the book, it means to separate from the Monkey Mind, defined as the temptation "to jump all and down, swinging from branch to branch and not sitting still for too long". We may like this adventure for a while, but sometimes it is too late when we realize how much such a lifestyle can be worning out our spirit and body. 
Some benefits of the mindfulness mentioned by the book are: less stress, more creativity, better concentration and less pain (including physical).
This book is a smart introductory guide to mindfulness practices and theories, a first step ahead in offering ourself a better and insightful life. 
Disclaimer: Book offered by the publisher via NetGalley.

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